

P1 Learners analyse a range
of related graphic design
work created for media
products, including:

a) purpose

inform, educate, entertain, sell products, fitness for purpose

b) format

poster, DVD/CD cover, billboard, flyer, merchandise, tickets,

webpage, title sequence in a movie etc.

c) content

text, e.g. copy, captions, headings; images, e.g.

photographs, diagrams, logos

d) style

style of language, colour, choice of images, relationship
between text, images, layout, semiotics, denotation,


e) layout

columns, paragraphs, appropriate positioning of text and
images, use of white space, gutters and margins, alignment

of text

f ) target audience

by age, gender, interests, spending power, lifestyle

g) regulatory bodies

Press Complaints Commission or relevant regulatory body,
Advertising Standards Authority, British Board of Film

Classification, Ofcom


In Word create a P1 document, where you will put three related graphic design materials.
This could be eg film poster, DVD cover, film advert
band advert, band gig poster, band CD cover

Make sure they are official - you might want to go to a proper marketing company to make sure (eg or or or... there are many online, search google for design company in London or look up your favourite band, film, game etc)

When you have three, get them signed off.

Start work on a-g above, labelling each section clearly.